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分类:发表指导 时间:2023-04-18 18:17 关注:(1)



  撰写英文论文需要注意时态问题、语态问题以及词汇的运用,其中词汇运用错误对论文内容影响是很大的,所以发表英文论文很考验作者的学术水平以及英文词汇的积累。英文水平薄弱的作者发表英文论文是有一定难度的。平时要多积累英文词汇,具体如下。 a nutshell:概括地说, 简言之, 一言以蔽之.

  e.g.In a nutshell, GNN are shown to be universal if four strong conditions are met: ...


  3. on-the-fly:动态的(地), 运行中的(地).

  4.shed light on/into:揭示, 揭露; 阐明; 解释; 将…弄明白; 照亮.

  e.g.These contemporary worksshed light intothe stability and generalization capabilities of GCNs.

  e.g.Discovering roles and communities in networks canshed light onnumerous graphmining tasks such as ...

  5.boil down to:重点是; 将…归结为.

  e.g.These aforementioned works usuallyboil down toa general classification task, where the model is learnt on a training set and selected by checking a validation set.

  6. for the sake of:为了.

  e.g.The local structures anchored around each node as well as the attributes of nodes therein are jointly encoded with graph convolutionfor the sake ofhigh-level feature extraction.

  7. dates back to:追溯到.

  e.g.The usual problem setupdates backat leasttoBecker and Hinton (1992).

  8. carry out:实施, 执行, 实行.

  e.g.Wecarry outextensive ablation studies and sensi- tivity analysis to show the effectiveness of the proposed functional time encoding and TGAT-layer.

  9. lay beyond the reach of:...能力达不到

  e.g.They provide us with information on higher-order dependencies between the components of a system, whichlay beyond the reach ofmodels that exclusively capture pairwise links.

  10.account for:( 数量或比例上)占; 导致, 解释(某种事实或情况); 解释, 说明(某事); (某人)对(行动、政策等)负有责任; 将(钱款)列入(预算).

  e.g.Multilayer modelsaccount forthe fact that many real complexsystems exhibit multiple types of interactions.

  11.along with:除某物以外; 随同…一起, 跟…一起.

  e.g.Along withgiving us the ability to reason about topological features including community structures or node centralities, network science enables us to understand how the topology of a system influences dynamical processes, and thus its function.

  12.dates back to:可追溯到.

  e.g.The usual problem setupdates back at least toBecker and Hinton (1992) and can conceptually be described as follows: ... this end:为此目的;为此计;为了达到这个目标.

  e.g.To this end, we consider a simple setup of learning a representation of the top half of MNIST handwritten digit images.

  14.Unless stated otherwise:除非另有说明.

  e.g.Unless stated otherwise,we use a bilinear criticf(x,y)=xTWyf(x,y)=xTWy, set the batch size to128128and the learning rate to10−410−4.

  15.As a reference point:作为参照.

  e.g.As a reference point,the linear classification accuracy from pixels drops to about 84% due to the added noise.

  16.through the lens of:透过镜头. (以...视角)

  e.g.There are (at least) two immediate benefits of viewing recent representation learning methods based on MI estimatorsthrough the lens ofmetric learning.


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